INA History
Netball in the Ipswich area started in 1925, teams
were formed from Ipswich and their surroundings districts and competed against
each other. Clubs include: Blue Birds (Raceview), Excelsior (Bundamaba), Bush
Rates (Dinmore) Australs (Saddlers Crossing), Waratah (North Ipswich) and
Hibernia’s (Ipswich) and Snowdrops (Blackstone). Most teams had their own home
court and teams would travel to a different venue each Saturday for fixtures. It wasn't until 1960 when INA made the move to Limestone Park and Ipswich Netball Assoicaiton was established.
To Learn more about INA History click here and to see some photos form the years click here.

The first Ipswich Flyers were established in 1994, where INA entered them into the Netball Queensland State League Comp.
Ellen Davidson
Ellen Davidson (aged 94
years) a long serving member of Ipswich Netball passed away peacefully on
Friday night 30th April 2010. Ellen played basketball (renamed netball in the
1970’s) when she was a youngster and when her children were old enough she encouraged
them to play Netball.
Ellen served on various
committees in her 20 years as a tireless worker for Ipswich Netball during the
late sixties, seventies and eighties. Ellen was always one of the first people
to get to the courts on a Saturday to make sure all was in order for the day’s
fixtures and one of the last to go home, she loved netball and the school
children and would always be thee for Friday school netball fixtures. It was a
family affair with husband Ron always there supporting Ellen and his daughters
and netball.
Ellen worked with other long
time life members such as Dorris Howe’s, Peg Richards and Beryl Lyne. In those
days they only played a winter season on a Saturday and preseason there was
always grass to be mowed, side line pegs to be found and finally courts to be
white line marked. Ellen would always be there doing what ever jobs there was
to be done. She would never miss a carnival and would be there as a manager and
scorer for the representative teams when they would battling it out between
Brisbane and Toowoomba. Ellen would always bring enough food to feed the whole
team. When Ipswich would host the carnivals Ellen would be running between her
much loved spot behind the canteen counter and running to the sideline to
scoring for her daughter Wendy’s rep team. Ellen’s daughter Wendy began to
excel at umpiring and attained her A grade badge and Ellen was there supporting
her and blowing the whistle in the background.
Ellen loved netball it was
in her geans and when she got the chance she would put up her hand and play in
exhibition matches on opening days when the mothers played the daughters in a
fun but serious game. Ellen received her Life Membership to Ipswich Netball in
1979. Thank-you Ellen for assisting in laying the foundations of what Ipswich
Netball is today. Ellen Davidson we salute you “Ipswich Netball Association”
Celebrating 30yrs of the Flyers

2024 Ipswich Netball Association will celebrate 30yrs of the Ipswich Flyers.
This year the Flyers will be leading the way in the traditional Green, Purple
& White Ipswich Netball Dress.
Jason Coles is energized by his team and particularly excited that previous
Flyers player Selena Hirsch, has retuned to play and will be joined in the
shooting circle by none other than her daughter Sienna Linnan.
Jason Coles
Fiona Riley
Flyers: Selena Hirsch, Sienna Linnan, Alice Ferrando, Adrianne Greenhalgh,
Lauren Atkin, Tegan Ward, Bridget Cumming, Rayna Verrenkamp, Chloe Roberts,
Susan Tullouch, Kelsee Haynes, Kayla Garret
Training Partner: Jess