Umpiring Resources

Community Umpire Toolkit

Welcome to the Community Umpire Toolkit. This toolkit is designed to assist club umpire convenors and umpire coaches (umpire educators) to deliver fun, interactive umpire education sessions that teach the rules of netball to new umpires, and for new umpires to learn how to apply them in a practical, games-based environment. 

Umpires new to the game will be provided with a learning environment that allows them to feel connected, respected and energised in their role.

The Community Umpire Toolkit has been developed with two key objectives in mind: 
• To provide umpires with a basic knowledge of the rules of the game and umpiring techniques through the provision of fun and engaging classroom based activities. 
• To provide umpires with the opportunity to apply the rules of the game and practise their umpiring techniques in a safe and supportive games-based environment. 

Umpire educators have several choices for creating fun and motivating sessions and can either choose to design their own programs and incorporate activities from the toolkit into the sessions or follow the suggested program structure. 

The Community Umpire Toolkit is not a course or structured program and does not seek to replace the Foundation Online Umpires Education Course, but rather to support the development of the beginner umpire in a fun and interactive environment and complement the learning and development journey.

Pre-Season at Home Fitness (6 weeks)

Weekly Workout Plans

Below is an at home guide for participates to follow leading up the Season 

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

Session 5

·      5 Push Ups

·      20 Squats

·      10 Butt Kicks

·      15 Lunges

·      40 Sit Ups

·      30 Second Plank

·      25 Crunches

·      35 Jumping Jacks

·      Cardio

·      15 Butt Kicks

·      40 Squats

·      25 Crunches

·      35 Second Plank

·      30 Lunges

·      20 Sit Ups

·      5 Jumping Jacks

·      10 Push Ups

·      Cardio

·      30 Butt Kicks

·      10 Lunges

·      40 Second Plank

·      20 Squats

·      35 Jumping Jacks

·      5 Sit Ups

·      15 Push Ups

·      25 Crunches

·      Cardio

·      40 Second Plank

·      30 Jumping Jacks

·      35 Sit Ups

·      20 Crunches

·      5 Lunges

·      15 Butt Kicks

·      25 Squats

·      10 Push Ups

·      Cardio

·      40 Crunches

·      15 Second Plank

·      20 Butt Kicks

·      25 Jumping Jacks

·      30 Sit Ups

·      5 Push Ups

·      35 Squats

·      10 Lunges

·      Cardio

Weekly Cardio 
  • Week 1: 30 second sprint, 30 second jog (5x) 
  • Week 2: 35 second sprint, 45 second jog (6x) 
  • Week 3: 45 second sprint, 60 second jog (7x) 
  • Week 4: 50 second sprint, 45 second jog (7x) 
  • Week 5: 55 second sprint, 30 second jog (6x) 
  • Week 6: 60 second sprint, 45 second jog (5x) 

Saturday Fixtures
Saturday Fixtures
Saturday Fixtures - Sponsor Showcase Round
Entire Calendar...Platinum Sponsor
Ipswich Girls' Grammer School
Gold Sponsors
Life without Barriers
Top Office Group
Inner Circle Financial Group
Silver Sponsors
Ipswich Solar Power
Banjos Bakery Bundamba
Netball QLD Netball Australia