About WCF
White Cloud Foundation (WCF) is a Queensland-based not-for-profit organisation founded in 2011 by Professor Adam Scott. Its mission is to provide practical support, easy access to treatment, and early intervention programs for people living with or at risk of developing depression and anxiety in its many forms.
Professor Scott particularly recognised there was a significant gap in mental health services in regional, rural, and remote areas of Australia. He saw this first-hand when touring regional Queensland to establish his Tele-Cardiac Investigations program.
With this in mind, he developed a the White Cloud Tele-Mental Health Service which is based on the principles and operating model which have made the Tele-Cardiac Investigations program a resounding success.
WCF has also developed and implemented other programs, including the Australia-first Meals for Mums which provides practical support for mothers at risk of or struggling with perinatal depression.
WCF has acted upon evidence-based research to develop, test, and implement a multi-disciplinary approach in the treatment of depression. WCF believes in removing barriers to provide easy, early access to professional, clinically proven services and individualised treatment plans that can either be delivered face-to-face or via tele-health.
Since its inception, WCF has worked with clinicians, researchers, and administrators at Queensland University of Technology (QUT) and QUT Health Clinics to test a multidisciplinary model-of-care for mothers at risk of or living with perinatal depression and people with post-traumatic stress disorder.
Out of these successful clinical trials, WCF has developed and implemented its Meals for Mums and White Cloud Tele-Mental Health services.
The Meals for Mums service assisting mothers with perinatal depression has been successfully operating in Queensland and Tasmania since 2016 and now supports around 800 mothers and their families a year.
The White Cloud Tele-Mental Health Service, launched on 4 August 2021 and is available to all Queenslanders struggling with depression and anxiety in its many forms, no matter where you live. Its particular focus is on rural, regional, and remote communities that have limited access to mental health services, but it is also available to people living in Brisbane and other major cities. WCF’s aim is to make this service available nationally once sufficient funding is secured.
White Cloud Sport provides the opportunity for sporting associations to partner with White Cloud Foundation in the delivery of mental health treatment and support services.
WCF is developing other programs to provide practical support to people living with or at risk of developing depression and has some volunteer-led programs including Steaks with Mates.
What to Expect